Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some say return visits can be rather a let down,

Best memories are made the first time.

But this is the third trip we've made to the ranch

And believe us it's been "mighty fine"!

Along with the riding, we helped move the cows

Some shootin' and searched for the sheep.

We've had fun at the rodeos, dined with good friends

And those are the memories we'll keep.

Steve's pleased with himself, Kim don't shout "so what?"

He's done something for him which is new.

Helping y'all pull the well (more than once in the week)

Has sure made him proud through and through.

Feeling a bit peckish? Well, you won't be for long

For great cookin' is always on hand.

Patricia'll make certain the meals are all ready

When we come in real dirty and tanned

We've travelled a long way to soak up the sun

But somehow we brought with us the rain.

We ate in a dust storm - got grit in our buns

But for more memories we'll be back again!

All our love - Steve & Lisa Melton Mowbray, England
and remember: "Those that mind don't matter but.......Those that matter don't mind"

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